![KAYAK VR : Mirage #2 ► Test avec le PROSABER transformé en pagaie - REPLAY Twitch ► PCVR [FR]](/modules/ph_simpleblog/covers/51-thumb.jpg)
KAYAK VR : Mirage #2 ► Test avec le PROSABER transformé en pagaie - REPLAY Twitch ► PCVR [FR]
Kayak VR : Mirage est un voyage magnifique et exaltant à travers de beaux endroits, conçu pour la réalité virtuelle. Manœuvrez le kayak physiquement précis sur le parcours de course et couronnez-vous le plus rapide, ou détendez-vous en mode free roam et profitez du paysage.

ProtubeVR ProSaber (Hardware)
In a galaxy not so far away, French company ProtubeVR developed a VR accessory that lets you play the hit VR game Beat Saber with a twist; a Darth Maul twist. Is this the way to play the game?

(IT) Speciale VR PROSABER - Quando anche Darth Maul si allena con Beat Saber
Protube non è certo sconosciuta nel mercato dei Gunstock. In questo video approfondiamo però il PROSABER VR che ci hanno gentilmente fornito i ragazzi della compagnia francese. Se volete sentirvi Darth Maul per un giorno non vi resta che seguire il link qui sotto.

Through The Fire and Flames - The dark side carries on - Beat Saber Darth Maul style
Broadcast live on Twitch -- See my schedule, pc build, VR setup and watch live at / ragesaq

The history and how-to on the ProSaber I came up with for Beat Saber Darth Maul mode
I've gotten a lot of requests on how I came up with the ProSaber and what inspired it, so I made a video on it while I setup my ProSaber for a Beat Saber stream.

Someone Made A Beat Saber Mod For Darth Maul
Beat Saber confirms what we all knew: two lightsabers are better than one. But, as fun as dual-wielding laser swords is, wouldn’t it be cool to use them like Darth Maul, too?